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Wednesday, September 07 2016
From Fear to Fierce!

Ever wanted to do something so bad that it bothered you all night and day, until it was completed? Have you ever dreamed of having a certain car, home, job, business, or career; but you were too scared to take the leap forward? Has God called you out to do something that you know is totally out of your comfort zone? Have you ever been singled out in school by a teacher and you knew the answer to the problem, but was too afraid to step forward? Amazingly.... these are just a few of everyday issues and testimonies I hear from women that are too afraid to move out in what God has truly called them to do! The worst part is; some of them have passed away, without ever fulfilling any of those desires or wishes."

As I continue to move forward in the things that I know God has chosen for me to do, whether it is helping my husband in ministry, raising our children, mentoring a young woman, or coaching a woman in business; I see God's hand in it! The enemy doesn't want you or me to walk out in our God given potential." He desires for us to live a helpless and defeated life. But thanks be unto God that gives us the strength, endurance and victory to accomplish our every desire. Psalm 37:4

As we prepare for our Fierce Women's Conference this year, my desire, along with our Guest Speaker: Francine Riley, is to activate and engage women into their God ordained success. According to Joshua 1:8, it is the will of God for us to walk in this season in everything that He has for us. According to John 10:10, we know that the bible says, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but God has come to give us more abundant life than ever before! We are Proverbs 31 Success Engagers in Christ! Proverbs 31:10-31

If you are ready to move forward in the things that God has called you to, lets join forces with other amazing women with the same fears, desires, and stamina, to make our dreams and vision a reality on September 24, 2016! It will definitely be an event that will change your way of thinking and living!

The Lord gave the word, How great were the Women that heard it and ran to Influence others for Christ! Psalm 68:11

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 09:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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