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Monday, July 28 2014
Marriage Material

God in all His wonderful acts saw fit for a woman, after the making of man. He knew that the man would need support and compatibility for what he was created to do." Who could do the job more than a woman.... God said; when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing! Proverbs 18:22

Man and woman were both created in the image of God's likeness. In the similitude of Jesus Christ! That is a great work! God thought enough of woman to create her in the image of Him! I am glad that God did, because if man thought that we were created in his image, he would control the way we act and think! But God wanted us to become all that he promised in His word for us to be.

As I have been studying Proverbs 31, I have began to realize that nothing comes to us by sitting! Everything that Proverbs 31 speaks of; is a woman in movement! A woman in the likeness of God! A woman that desires everything and everyone around her to eat, dress, and think bigger than she is herself. To become a King's child at our best! According to Proverbs 31, we are to strive to be the best woman, wife, mother, daughter and friend, we can be at all times! 

When our Maker is trying to form us into the woman He desires for us to be, sometimes we tend to put on a little inward self-fight. A fight within that tells us we are okay the way we are, or we can handle the challenges on our own." This is the biggest trick of the enemy! Satan only comes to steal, kill, and destroy! Without the Help of the Father, we would quickly be terminated! The only way we can become "wife material" is to trust in the word of God that brings transformation...

If we look at ourselves close enough, none of us started out being "wife material" for our spouse. But, if we pray unto the Father and wait patiently, following His assignment and not our own, we will come out Victorious in everything we try to accomplish in our life and marriage!

As I have the opportunity to speak with many married women, their biggest struggle is submission and overcoming self-centeredness." These two areas are the biggest trick of the enemy! As strong-willed women we normally come into a relationship, handling our own weight! We can work eight hours, clean the home, prepare dinner and help with the homework, and never miss a beat! But the problem is; this doesn't build us into becoming "wife material. It doesn't prepare us on how to share and fulfill another one's need as well as we do our own. These actions only show us how hard we can be inside and out! A real man is looking for a strong, but soft woman, inside and out! A woman that he can pour into and she is not intimidated! The key to this scenario is; Balance!

Keys to becoming and remaining marriage material:

1) Ask God for help! There is no better help than the Holy Spirit! He is always ready for the assignment! John 16:13

2) Seek after a godly woman that exemplify a virtuous character! Watch her ways around her husband and kids. Watch how she dresses and talk to others in her circle. Roman 12:1+2

3) Study to show yourself approved as "Wife Material." The word is active and it makes alive! Hebrews 4:12

*Note, This article is Copyright from the book of Freda R Gates: The Making of A Woman, Seven Principles of Deliverance.

Freda R Gates, is married to Pastor Jarvis Gates Sr, of 23 years. Together they pastor Full Potential Global Ministries ( They are the proud parents of two boys James and Jarvis Jr. Freda Gates is considered a Marriage Life Coach to many. She travels preaching the word of God to women. She founded Delivered Women Int'l and Success Engagers, LLC. Both to help women in Ministry and Business. She is also the Founder and Designer of Regene Coututre' Jewelry and Accessories. For for information please visit or by Email:

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 05:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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