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Monday, August 18 2014
Is He That Into You?

As I am siting here thinking about all the opportunities that we have to share love with our mate." Sometimes we must ask ourself, "Is he that into me?" If you had to "brace yourself" before you answered; maybe there is a question on the table!

As I counsel women that are very intimate mentally, physically and verbally, it is sometimes hard for them to fnd a mate that is compatible." They normally are concerned about being overbearing in the relationship. Most women are nourishers by nature.... They give birth to nourish their baby, to feed them, to take care of them... So when they enter a relationship, they are ready to give out of that same kind of love, and men sometimes don't know what to do with all of that!" They feel as though they are back at momma's house!

How would you rate your relationship, or a relationship of the past? Do you think you were too into him? Most men my husband and I talk to, feel that their wife is too over bearing at times. I had to learn this the hard way! My husband would work "ten hours" while I was home with the kids all day! As soon as he returned home; I would start in with long conversations and head rubs." As months went on... he would gently tell me that he needed 20 minutes of private down time! Now, was I offended at first? YES! But, I quickly learned his pattern of doing things." It wasn't because he was not that into me.... it was because, I was so into him at the wrong time! 

If this doesn't apply to you great! Take the opportunity to share it with another sister that might be going through this type of situation in her relationship.

How to learn your mate ways:

1) Find out what he likes and don't like in a relationship. Maybe you are trying too hard at something, that he is not that into! Learn to fight fair! Balance can be found in anything that we put our heart and mind to do in the Lord.

2) Learn his body language! What is he really telling you when he comes home? This comes through much prayer, communication, and supplication... Learn to seek counsel in the early stages of your marriage or relationship.

3) Rather than being offended, Learn to please fairly! Every turn-off is not a denial! Become confident in your own skin! Know your worth in God.   

4) Pray, pray, and keep praying.... You must pray for the results that you wish to see in your marriage or relationship! Live as a Proverbs 31 Woman!

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 05:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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