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Tuesday, July 11 2017
Launch Now!

Have you ever heard the term "LAUNCH BEFORE READY?" This is a term that most professionals use. It simply mean... Create it Now! Have you ever had a desire to see something fulfilled, but it seemed as though there were unseen blockages? Blockages that always spoke.... your're not ready yet!

I can tell you from experience, you are more than well able! Remember Joshua, he wasn't prepared but God told him to move forward and pursue! Joshua couldn't see what God say until he proceeded forward. Joshua 1:6-9

Esther couldn't move forward because she didn't realize her true purpose for being in the position that she ruled as Queen. She had favor with the King! Esther's favor allowed her to do things that the former Queen Vashti couldn't do! But, because of her obedience and grace she remembered what her mentor; her uncle Mordecai had spoken unto her.... That she (YOU) have been positioned for such a time as this! Whatever God has told you to do, it's time to move forward! Esther 4:14-17, Esther 5:1-8

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 04:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, May 26 2017
Its Time to be Fulfilled!

Have you ever felt like you are in a place of unfulfillment? According to a study on women with unhealthy emotions, it is said that most women feel a sense of unfulfillment when it comes to their careers and current lifestyle.

When we look at unfulfillment, could it be a sense of inward discontentment; rather than outward? Women throughout the bible were recognized for what they could obtain... whether through child bearing, living status, career, sickness or disease; our condition kept us from certain fulfillments in society. Apostle Paul stated in the bible that, whatever state he was in, he learned to be content! Philippians 4:11

According to Apostle Paul, Fulfillment is a learned behavior. It doesn't happen over night... Fulfillment is a work in progress! We must work through our emotions and relationship issues on an everyday basis until we find fulfillment. Philippians 4:11-13

Remember, nothing just automatically happens... There are prayers prayed, sacrifices made, and selfishness released; before fulfillment shows up! At the end of the process, the greatest achievement will be the power to overcome discontentment that brings a fulfilled life in Christ.


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 11:52 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 15 2017
You Are!

Have you ever had doubts about yourself? Who you really are called to be in this earth? I sure have! Many times the reason we struggle with our identity and purpose is becasuse, we try to paint the picture ourselves, when God has already finished the painting. Jeremiah 1:5 says, that God knew us when we were in our mothers wound. Wow! God knew us before the very foundations of the earth. Before the seed was ever formed in our mothers wound, God, knew us! God knew our purpose, calling, and destiny; before we ever decided what we wanted to be!

Have you ever encountered someone that went to college for four years... But, after graduation, they never pursue what they went to college for? Sometimes, I have found the reason to be is; God interrupts their life for His divine purpose and plan. We can never figure God out! When we go left, He says, go right! His plans are Yes and Amen. Isaiah 55:8

Start today! Pray and ask God sincerely... What are the plans for my life? That simple, yet, profound question will start you on a path of Great Adventures! Jeremiah 29:11

Enjoy the journey!

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 08:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 15 2017
The Best Brand Ever!

Everywhere you look there are brands and more brands... but the greatest brand ever seen is the cross of Jesus! It does more than any other brand could ever do! He is the best giver and supplier. No brand of medicine, food, purse, or shoes... can make us feel like He does! If you haven't tried this brand before, try it today! You won't ever be disappointed in His brand."

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 06:28 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 07 2016
From Fear to Fierce!

Ever wanted to do something so bad that it bothered you all night and day, until it was completed? Have you ever dreamed of having a certain car, home, job, business, or career; but you were too scared to take the leap forward? Has God called you out to do something that you know is totally out of your comfort zone? Have you ever been singled out in school by a teacher and you knew the answer to the problem, but was too afraid to step forward? Amazingly.... these are just a few of everyday issues and testimonies I hear from women that are too afraid to move out in what God has truly called them to do! The worst part is; some of them have passed away, without ever fulfilling any of those desires or wishes."

As I continue to move forward in the things that I know God has chosen for me to do, whether it is helping my husband in ministry, raising our children, mentoring a young woman, or coaching a woman in business; I see God's hand in it! The enemy doesn't want you or me to walk out in our God given potential." He desires for us to live a helpless and defeated life. But thanks be unto God that gives us the strength, endurance and victory to accomplish our every desire. Psalm 37:4

As we prepare for our Fierce Women's Conference this year, my desire, along with our Guest Speaker: Francine Riley, is to activate and engage women into their God ordained success. According to Joshua 1:8, it is the will of God for us to walk in this season in everything that He has for us. According to John 10:10, we know that the bible says, the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy; but God has come to give us more abundant life than ever before! We are Proverbs 31 Success Engagers in Christ! Proverbs 31:10-31

If you are ready to move forward in the things that God has called you to, lets join forces with other amazing women with the same fears, desires, and stamina, to make our dreams and vision a reality on September 24, 2016! It will definitely be an event that will change your way of thinking and living!

The Lord gave the word, How great were the Women that heard it and ran to Influence others for Christ! Psalm 68:11

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 09:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, May 25 2016

When you hear the word Petty, what comes to mind? According to Webster Dictionary, Petty means: Little importance, small, minor, shabby, down-grade, or small minded. 

When it comes to the word Petty, I can think of serveral examples from my past experiences that I can personally relate....

1). Always worrying about your self image.

2). Always worrying about who's talking about you.

3). Always worrying about who hates you.

4). Is your mate looking or noticing someone else.

I have counseled hundreds of people, and the spouse always deal with the pettiness of his wife in the home.

How to get free from a petty spirit?

1). Get into your purpose in God. Jeremiah 29:11-13

2). Pray more than you are. James 5:16+17

3). Meditate more than you are. Joshua 1:8

4). Stay Focused. Nehemiah stayed on the wall.

5). Stay out of Frustration. Proverbs 14:1

6). Remove all self doubt and fear. Hebrews 11:1

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 11:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, May 16 2016
The Ultimate Truth

As we are entering the last days of Christ return, we are experiencing a large amount of confusion and untruth of the Word of God. As I have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with women, I have come to experience the miss up of mindset and deception of what God says through His word.

As we begin to experience such deception, I have been drawn through the love of Christ for the lost like never before. Through our businesses, ministry, church, and career; we must not forget who we have confessed as our belief; Jesus Christ. As we are in the Market Place, it is our duty as believers of Christ to allow individuals to experience the same grace, love and compassion, as He has shown towards us. 

Through studying the word of God, we should seek the Holy Sprit on direction of witnessing the love of Christ. Knowing that each person is different, we should look for ways of encouragement to fulfill this promising act of faith movement in the earth. Our job is to be a light and a witness of Christ that will ultimately draw women, men and children, to the one true and living God who gave the Ultimate Sacrifice for our sin and short comings, Jesus Christ!


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 02:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 28 2016
Helper or Hinder

When we look at a wife or mother, we automatically think of a helper, problem solver, or cleaner. But what does God really call a woman? He calls her blessed, suitable, and adaptable! Women were created to be adaptable to any situation that may come her way. She is a woman of wisdom and insight. I feel that God has called us to be a helpmeet to our husband and a support to our family! The bible tells us that a woman is a keeper of the home; she is a nourisher. She is a protector of her children. One thing that a Lioness of the forest is known of, it is her ability to see and protect her cubs from the prey of the enemy! How well do you help protect your family in times of crisis or need? 

A woman that vows to do God's will in her marriage and household; she wil become a help and not a hinder. She has the strength and ability through Holy Spirit, to use her wisdom to help solve problems, open businesses, create designs, or whatever God has created her to do! Not in bitterness, but in love and selflessness.

So today, seek the Lord about what position you are portraying in your household, ministry, friendships, and career. Pray about the things that concern the Father in Heaven, towards your God given potential!


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 01:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 06 2016
It's Time!

Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel as if you are stuck in time? Do you feel as though nothing is happening fast enough for you in ministry, career, or relationship? These are concerns I get all the time." Oftentimes, when life throws you a fast ball; it seems to come at a time when you are least expecting it.

I have found that when this happens, we can find us a sweet spot in God and pray..... Ask God what is He speaking to you in that moment of feeling stuck and stagnated? When the time is right, He will answer you!

The most powerful lessons are learned in stillness.... Psalm 46:10


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 10:13 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 12 2016
Do You!

Have you ever tried to live in someone else's shoes? I'm pretty sure we all have! I grew up as a people pleaser. When my actions didn't please someone, I would get into the silent mode of rejection. I have learned through years of trying to please others, to just do me! it feels so much better not trying to please everyone I come into contact with! I love just doing me!

If you are in people bondage, stop now! learn to satisfy yourself first, before trying to satisfy other people that you probaly don't even like!

Just Do You!


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 11:25 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email


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