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Saturday, December 12 2015
Next Level Success!

As we take the time to examine this year, we can see the failures and great achievements, in things that we have, or have not accomplished. As the end of 2015 draws near, we must begin to seek the Lord on what He has for us to do in 2016!

This is a great time to prepare our bodies for a consecration of cleansing for the new year! I love to set aside time with the Lord, not only for myself; but for my family and business also. God will give us creative ideas that He wants to reveal unto us; but sometimes we are too cluttered mentally to hear Him. 

In order to prepare for next level living in 2016:

1. Pray and Journal your thoughts and ideas for what you would like to see happen in 2016!

2. Consencrate yourself unto the Lord and what He is saying, for the New Year!

3. Go back and look at your journal notes from this year to see if there is something God wants to add for 2016!

4. Launch something BIG for 2016! Jump Start Your Faith Level for Ultimate Success in 2016!

5. Just Do It Afraid! If there is something that you shyed away from in 2015, go for it in 2016 and watch God!

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 03:18 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 19 2015

What is the meaning of character to you? Is it about how you see yourself, as much as how others see you? I think it is a threefold response:

1. It is how God sees us.... We are created in His image. It is God's desire that we copy Him in the earth!

2. It is how we see ourselves.... We can't properly give out what's not respected of ourselves.

3. It is how we respect and honor others. Again, we must be the light of God in the earth!

When we walk in the character of God it shows forth Heaven in the earth. You can be in relationship and not have character and it will ruin the commitment you both have together. Respect is key in any relationship. Respect only comes through the character shown towards one another..... It releases trust in business, career, and ministry.

How to overcome if you are struggling in your character walk:

1. Keep someone around you that walks in character and honesty that can keep you accountable.

2. Learn to Police your own self! When you see that you are getting heated in a conversation or situation; step back before you respond.

3. Study the word of God on integrity and character. There are many biblical examples of men and women that walked in godly character.

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 03:29 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 12 2015
Take Responsibility!

The Price of Greatness is Responsibility! By: Winston Churchhill

Successful peope take 100% responsibility for their life and actions. They take accountability for their own actions and mistakes. When we become responsible for our own actions, we don't blame anyone else but ourselves. Sometimes in life things will go wrong as we embark on the ladder to success, but being accountable for the things we encounter is our own responsibility!

On our way towards success, God will sometimes cause people to use their power, ability, and influence to help be a blessing in our life during that season. Never take advantage of the help that is sent your way!

How do successful people take power actions:

1. They step up to the call. When they know it is time to make a mark in life; they answer that call.

2. They learn to sharpen their skills for a greater assignment. They go back to school. They pay for the workshops that is needed for their success.

3. They get their finances together for greater opportunities ahead. They don't want to miss their season!

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 06:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, September 14 2015
Don't Quit Yet!

Wait! Have you thought about giving up on your success? If so, you are in the right place to start something fresh and new! If you could talk to a well known business owner or entrepreneur right now, they probably would tell you they wanted to, or gave up many times before they ever succeeded....

Just the pure thought of quitting something great can bring a bitter taste to your mouth. I have started and quitted on many occasions, but some how, I always seem to bounce right back in faith! That is exactly what I want to tell you.... You can bounce back!

I want to share Three simple principles with you:

1) Stay in Faith! Always keep your eyes on the end result, and not the present situation. Remember how you saw the vision in the beginning! 

2) Remain Consistent! Always keep a steady flow in your pattern. When you waver, your pattern becomes Zig Zag. Stay focused!

3) Transform your thinking! Words have power! Life and Death is in the power of your own tongue. Bring yourself good things, through your words of positive thinking, that produces positive confessions out of your mouth!

If you can hold fast to these simple three principles you can win in life even when it feels like you are loosing! So Don't Quit!

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 04:47 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, July 04 2015
Relentless Success

Are you Relentless? Do you have the power to be oppressively constant, continual in the faith, no matter what! As my husband has been teaching on "Being Relentless" I find it hard to stop being perpetual in my daily walk with God. God requires us all throughout His word to trust Him, move forward, and keep the faith!

I want to encourage you that no matter what comes your way, always have the assurance to know that through God, you have every tool to keep moving forward. 

Steps toward being Relentless:

1. Stay prayerful always.

2. Follow other positive successful women.

3. Stay the course. If God put you there, He will continue to keep you progressing greatly.

4. When you fall; know that you shall rise again!

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 11:29 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 10 2014
Running Towards Destiny

As we embark on the end of this year, 2014. We begin to realize that there is still more Destiny in us..... Speaking to us, and calling us out into Greater!

A pregnant woman can't make a decision at 9 months, that she doesn't want to give birth to her unborn seed. She is at her delivering season! Either she gives birth Naturally; or the Doctor must take it, forcefully!

The same is with us being Pregnant with seed in the Spiritual. If we don't give birth to our Destiny, we will Die of Agitation.... Our spirit will get so Full of the Greatness in us, that it will Irritate us to remain in an Un-Birthing State! Destiny Un-Birthed is Pregnancy Unwanted....

What to do to Position yourself for the Birthing of Your Destiny?

1. You will need an Alignment. Destiny must Line up with much Prayer, and the Word of God. What we don't understand, we must seek God for Wisdom and Insight.

2. You will need an Adjustment. Destiny must be adjusted during the Birthing season. When a woman's seed is in a Breach postion during the birthing stage, there must be a Turning, and Adjustment done by the Doctor. So as it is in the Spirit Realm, God has to do some Adjusting as we go through the Birthing process, to make sure there isn't any Severe consequences during the Delivery!

*It's Time To Birth Forth!


Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 10:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 03 2014
Successful Harvest

Are you reaping a mighty harvest yet! Have you put yourself in the way of success? Most successful women have achieved success, because they put themselves in the way of successful people! When  growing up,  I was taught to, always support the poor." To never look down on the them in any way. The other part of that rule I wasn't taught was to, "Always look up to successful people!"

What do I mean about looking up to successful people? Successful people follow other successful people... If you want to learn how to shoot a gun, go to a gun range, and follow someone that have learned skills. Somethings can be learned on your own, but there are people that are skilled at where you are trying to go.

When I get ready to position myself for elevation, or a shift in my own life, I begin to study successful women that have already obtained success in that area. When my husband and I were in a terrible marriage, we sought someone that had mastered their own challenges in marriage. We began to sow seeds into their life, for wisdom in our own life! Never come before a mastered coach, without an honour seed! I can't tell you how many times this priciple has worked in my own life... Whenever I start to prepare myself for a shift of greatness, I find a woman that have already mastered that area of success! I begin to sow seed into her good ground! Faith (your belief) without works (your seed) and (your talents) is dead!

The question I have for you today is... Do you have a seed gift in the ground that will begin to ignite your success? If not, there is no better time than to start right now! You can't just sow one or two times and expect a supernatural success harvest! You must keep sowing in good fertile ground! I have yet to reap my many harvest from seed I have sown through the years, but I continue to sow (my success seed) in faith, looking for my return!

How to position yourself for a success harvest:

1. Research godly successful women. You don't always have to sow your seed into worldly systems. There are a lot of successful women that love their career and God!

2. Remain Prayerful. God will direct you on How and Who to sow your success gift seed to! 

3. Continue to walk in your God given talent daily. A talent not worked; is a talent not treasured...

4. Keep on sowing until you see it! By Faith, you must see it; before you see it!


Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 01:46 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 18 2014
Is He That Into You?

As I am siting here thinking about all the opportunities that we have to share love with our mate." Sometimes we must ask ourself, "Is he that into me?" If you had to "brace yourself" before you answered; maybe there is a question on the table!

As I counsel women that are very intimate mentally, physically and verbally, it is sometimes hard for them to fnd a mate that is compatible." They normally are concerned about being overbearing in the relationship. Most women are nourishers by nature.... They give birth to nourish their baby, to feed them, to take care of them... So when they enter a relationship, they are ready to give out of that same kind of love, and men sometimes don't know what to do with all of that!" They feel as though they are back at momma's house!

How would you rate your relationship, or a relationship of the past? Do you think you were too into him? Most men my husband and I talk to, feel that their wife is too over bearing at times. I had to learn this the hard way! My husband would work "ten hours" while I was home with the kids all day! As soon as he returned home; I would start in with long conversations and head rubs." As months went on... he would gently tell me that he needed 20 minutes of private down time! Now, was I offended at first? YES! But, I quickly learned his pattern of doing things." It wasn't because he was not that into me.... it was because, I was so into him at the wrong time! 

If this doesn't apply to you great! Take the opportunity to share it with another sister that might be going through this type of situation in her relationship.

How to learn your mate ways:

1) Find out what he likes and don't like in a relationship. Maybe you are trying too hard at something, that he is not that into! Learn to fight fair! Balance can be found in anything that we put our heart and mind to do in the Lord.

2) Learn his body language! What is he really telling you when he comes home? This comes through much prayer, communication, and supplication... Learn to seek counsel in the early stages of your marriage or relationship.

3) Rather than being offended, Learn to please fairly! Every turn-off is not a denial! Become confident in your own skin! Know your worth in God.   

4) Pray, pray, and keep praying.... You must pray for the results that you wish to see in your marriage or relationship! Live as a Proverbs 31 Woman!

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 05:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, August 13 2014
Self Check To Success!

Women who walk in real success, know that there are certain values that we must uphold. We as women can be our biggest critic! We can be so critical about our lifestyle, dreams, visions, and promises...

As women of God, we should honor all aspects of our personality and God-Given potential. Don't wait to respond to action; Create your own movement! Know that Faith without works is dead! James 2:25+26

A successful woman always remains in a State of Expectancy! She waits on God while she is in a state of Victory and Praise! Ephesians 3:20

How to Keep a Self-Check Attitude:

1) Make the Right Choices! Choices reflect our inner value. Choices comes to us every minute of the day! It is left up to us to choose wisely... Proverbs 26:2

2) Keep a Good Reputation! Reputation is what's done when everyone is looking... Most people want the attention of the instant crowd, not the crowd that is purposed to come." Wait on your God given portion of your promise.

3) Hold to Good Character! Character is what you do when no one is watching. It is the true spirit of what's inside of you! Character shows up when temptation comes. What will you do when everyone around you is succeeding forward?" You will continue to stand on the promises of God for your life!


Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 10:23 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 04 2014
Where are You Going?

Write the vision and make it plain." We can quote this scripture from Habakkuk 2:2 with our eyes closed. But how many of us really understand the true meaning of what is behind the text?

God spoke to Habakkuk after waiting, listening, and praying, write the vision and make it plain. Vision and goals don't come easy... They come to a person that is prepared to hear what is getting ready to be spoken. My name for this type of person is, "Ready Writer!"

As I have studied and written many journals and blogs, most responses come when I am sitting, praying and listening. I often ask God to show me His will and plan for my life. But first, I always have a pen and paper ready with anticipation for His response. No one ask a question without waiting for an answer." This is the same pattern when writing out a plan, goal, and vision for our home, career, or a family vacation. Writing is a way of figuring it all out!

Writing out a vision and plan for your life, helps us with building on the promises of God. God tells us in Psalms 37:4, that if we delight ourselves in the Lord; He will give us the desires of our heart. The bible also tells us in Matthew 6:33, to seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and ALL these things (our desire and needs) will be added unto us."

Today is no better time to begin setting plans, visions, and goals for your life! What was it when you were in school, and someone asked you; what do you want to be when you grow up? What caused you to quickly answer them?" You had a vision of what you wanted to be." You had already pictured in your mind, from the money you would make, to the outfit you would buy, and the house that you would live in! That same fire, that you had back then with much enthusiasm; find that girl again!

Begin to plan your life out day by day! Only this time; write it out! Say it out loud! Believe God that He will bring it to pass in it's ripe and fruitful season! Ecclesiastes 3

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 08:01 am   |  Permalink   |  Email


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