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Friday, November 29 2013
Let your mind wander

Have you ever got up in the morning wondering how your day will end before it even begins? Not sure what to do first or last? This is how many of our mornings start off. We don't allow our minds to wander the day before."

I was teaching a women's group awhile back, and I heard The Lord say; it's time to really reach your Full Potential! I was in awe." What Lord, have I not walked in Full Potential? I thought I was on the right track towards my purpose." By the time I finished speaking, I was puzzled over the saying. I realized I had not allowed my mind to wander on fresh and new ideas!

That day, I made up in my mind, that I would allow my creative mind to "wander" a bit! The word of God tells us in Phil 1:6, God perfects our potential until the day of the Lord's return." Which simply means, everyday we are being perfected for destiny! Our mind is allowed to wander, so God can perfect that which concerns us, which is our strengths and weaknesses.

We are destiny setters! What we do today; could affect our tomorrow! 

Success Notes:

Start by purchasing a journal! If anyone know me, they know there are two things I always keep with me: 1) A journal and 2) A pen. So start today! Let your mind do a little wandering to see what is your next BIG move! Go after your goals and visions....

Posted by: Freda AT 09:57 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, November 07 2013

What are those little things that as soon as you get up in the morning, your attention is immediately drawn to? You know, like when you are in the bathroom and you notice toothepaste on the counter. You just want to brush your teeth, so that you can go into your morning meditation." Or, You head to the kitchen to fix a fresh batch of coffee and realize, there are a pile of dishes in the sink from the teenagers late night." These are all called "Distractions."

Distractions are called; negative attention grabbers, conflicting emotions." These are just a few of the action words that distraction can bring. It is an emotional stealer, that comes to rob your day, before it has a chance to get started off right! Distractions come to pull us from God's purpose and plans for our day. God says; that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord."

So how do we break these little distractions?

1) Recognize distractions from, emergencies. Some things are liable in our lives. It is just life." Things happen, unexpectedly. Kids get sick, spouses and families need us in unexpected situations. These are things we can do nothing about."

2) Get the house in order, the night before! Yes, we know we have to cook, clean, and run errands." So we need to prepare our home before we go to bed, for the next day! Don't get upset, when you know you went to sleep, with a messy home."

3) Hire extra help. If your budget allows it." Especially, moms with smaller children. There are some very affordable, housekeepers looking for employment. Check the internet. Research, research, research!

4) Write down your daily to-do-list. Every night before you go to bed; write down from the greatest of importance, to the less important! Try not to set appointments back to back. Keep them spaced out for any emergencies that may come up from day to day.

Yes, we can live a stress free lifestyle!" It takes having patience, meditation, and consistency...

Posted by: Freda AT 04:21 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, October 19 2013

Have you got complacent in following your dreams? Do you feel as though there is never enough time to fulfill your dreams? About a year ago I was in this same place... I thought that I would never be able to accomplish all the great things that God had in store for my life. I felt very insecure about starting something new, in my middle age life. But I still felt compelled to do more....

After much prayer and meditation, God lead me to a few simple steps on getting started towards my dreams and desires:

1) Just do it! Start somewhere! To every idea, there is a starting point.

2) Clear your mind. Let go of negativity and regrets. Get free to dream...

3) Write down three things that you love and could do without pay.

4) Start researching your dream. Is it something that people really want?

5) Write out a Vision and Mission statement. What do you want to accomplish.

6) Sharpen your skill. Take a class at a College or check your local library.

7) Write out a system. How much time will you put in towards your dream.

It's time to make dreams come alive!


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 09:04 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 11 2013

On October in the year of 2011, after coming home from a bible study, I went to lay down for bed, and realized that I couldn't move my neck. My husband, noticing something was wrong, jumped out of bed and said, what is wrong with you?" I immediately told him that I needed to go to the hospital, now." We quickly got dressed, being just three minutes away from the ER. He grab a wheel chair and rolled me into the waiting area. About forty five minutes later, after so much pain medication, barely awake. I heard the Doctor say, she has bleeding on the brain. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a hospital two hours away from home." I had a stroke."

My entire stay in the hospital was two full weeks." I was physically fit, no blood pressure, and no heart condition. What am I trying to say? In a situation that is totally uncommon and out of our hands, we must be spiritually fit in: Spirit, Mind, and Body. We must always be prayed up for whatever may come our way.

I couldn't have went through what I went through, if I wasn't fit in my Spirit, Mind, and Body."

God healed my body." With no loss of limb usage, or speech. He renewed my mind, and gave me a new look on life. God didn't bring the stroke, but He sure was with me through it!

Where are you when it comes to your Spirit, Mind, and Body? How fit are you in these three areas? Are you fit enough to go through any hinderances that will try to block your success in your Spirit, Mind, and Body? Seek the Lord today on where you are right now."

Make the neccessary choices to change where you are. We all can be better than we are today!

Posted by: Freda AT 06:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, October 10 2013

Have you ever had a desire to do something that you really loved? Do you see it as something that you could do for the rest of your life? Then ask yourself a few questions:

A) When growing up I always wanted to....

B) Everytime I go to the store the first place I go to is....

C) If I knew I had one year to live I would do....

Okay! This should be a short way of finding out where your desire is."

I remember when I was growing up, I loved fashion! I would wear different color tennis shoes to school." My mother would always let me explore different fashion and designs. When I would get too out of hand, she would quickly tell me to tone it down."

As I search the internet, read tons of books and magazines, I found out that there is a high percentage of people seeking entrepreneurship." People are taking leaps to something more fulfilling, than just an everyday job!

What will you do today to start a fresh new beginning towards your new career?"


Posted by: Freda AT 01:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email


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