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Monday, July 28 2014
Marriage Material

God in all His wonderful acts saw fit for a woman, after the making of man. He knew that the man would need support and compatibility for what he was created to do." Who could do the job more than a woman.... God said; when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing! Proverbs 18:22

Man and woman were both created in the image of God's likeness. In the similitude of Jesus Christ! That is a great work! God thought enough of woman to create her in the image of Him! I am glad that God did, because if man thought that we were created in his image, he would control the way we act and think! But God wanted us to become all that he promised in His word for us to be.

As I have been studying Proverbs 31, I have began to realize that nothing comes to us by sitting! Everything that Proverbs 31 speaks of; is a woman in movement! A woman in the likeness of God! A woman that desires everything and everyone around her to eat, dress, and think bigger than she is herself. To become a King's child at our best! According to Proverbs 31, we are to strive to be the best woman, wife, mother, daughter and friend, we can be at all times! 

When our Maker is trying to form us into the woman He desires for us to be, sometimes we tend to put on a little inward self-fight. A fight within that tells us we are okay the way we are, or we can handle the challenges on our own." This is the biggest trick of the enemy! Satan only comes to steal, kill, and destroy! Without the Help of the Father, we would quickly be terminated! The only way we can become "wife material" is to trust in the word of God that brings transformation...

If we look at ourselves close enough, none of us started out being "wife material" for our spouse. But, if we pray unto the Father and wait patiently, following His assignment and not our own, we will come out Victorious in everything we try to accomplish in our life and marriage!

As I have the opportunity to speak with many married women, their biggest struggle is submission and overcoming self-centeredness." These two areas are the biggest trick of the enemy! As strong-willed women we normally come into a relationship, handling our own weight! We can work eight hours, clean the home, prepare dinner and help with the homework, and never miss a beat! But the problem is; this doesn't build us into becoming "wife material. It doesn't prepare us on how to share and fulfill another one's need as well as we do our own. These actions only show us how hard we can be inside and out! A real man is looking for a strong, but soft woman, inside and out! A woman that he can pour into and she is not intimidated! The key to this scenario is; Balance!

Keys to becoming and remaining marriage material:

1) Ask God for help! There is no better help than the Holy Spirit! He is always ready for the assignment! John 16:13

2) Seek after a godly woman that exemplify a virtuous character! Watch her ways around her husband and kids. Watch how she dresses and talk to others in her circle. Roman 12:1+2

3) Study to show yourself approved as "Wife Material." The word is active and it makes alive! Hebrews 4:12

*Note, This article is Copyright from the book of Freda R Gates: The Making of A Woman, Seven Principles of Deliverance.

Freda R Gates, is married to Pastor Jarvis Gates Sr, of 23 years. Together they pastor Full Potential Global Ministries ( They are the proud parents of two boys James and Jarvis Jr. Freda Gates is considered a Marriage Life Coach to many. She travels preaching the word of God to women. She founded Delivered Women Int'l and Success Engagers, LLC. Both to help women in Ministry and Business. She is also the Founder and Designer of Regene Coututre' Jewelry and Accessories. For for information please visit or by Email:

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 05:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, July 18 2014
I Am Not All That!

I was reading Proverbs 31 the other day, and I thought to myself; I am not "All" That! Have you personally ever read the Proverbs 31 woman, and thought the exact same thing? Being God fearing women, we sometimes feel like we don't measure up to all that God desire for us to be.

Sometimes in life, we can feel so overwhelmed with daily duties to fulfill. In Matthew 11:28-30, it's says that; God will not allow us to be burdened above measure." That His yoke is easy and His burden is light!

Being a Virtuous Woman doesn't have to be hard. God have given us the assistance of the Holy Spirit. He operates in us and through us. The Holy Spirit comes to give us strength and to lighten the load. As Virtuous Women; we can do all things through Christ that strengthen us! We can rise early to seek the will of God for our family, and get His direction for our day." Philippians 4:13

How can we grow as Virtuous Women?

1) Meditate daily on Proverbs 31. Continue to read related scriptures and devotions on becoming a Proverbs 31 woman.

2) Ask for help! There are many mature mentors that have grown out of the shadows of just being an average Christian woman, who have sought the hand of God concerning the Proverbs 31 anointing.

3) Leave room for errors and growth. This is key! There are no perfect people on this earth. We are being perfected daily until Jesus come! Philippians 1:6 

Posted by: Freda R Gates AT 06:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 14 2014
Growing out of your Story

This past weekend I was teaching a group of women on "How to Grow from your Story?" All of us have had the curtains rolled back on our life, as though we were on a big movie screen." 

As women, we have many roles we play at different times and seasons in our lives. The best part is that, God remembers them all, and sometimes He will use our story to bring peace and comfort of how far we have come." My story may be a lot different from your story, but in the end, we can sit down together; share it, laugh about, and cry tears of joy of how God brought us through it!

We should never be ashame to tell our story! We are a living testimony of how we survived pain, hurt, and rejection...

How can we begin to grow from our story?

1) Write it out! Start journaling about the different seasons of your life.

2) Share it with someone else! You may know someone that have gone through your story.... Speak up!

3) Be bold in your deliverance! God said, He will never cause us to be shamed!  

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 05:03 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, April 28 2014
Beautiful Women

Did you know that God called us, Beautiful? Yes, He did! God said, that we are beautiful in His eyes... He said, that we are the, "Apple of His eye." God knows our beginning to our ending! He established our going from the foundation of the world. So the question is, How do we see ourselves?

If God says, that we are beautiful; then we are beautiful! Until we begin to see ourselves as God sees us, we cannot move forward in real success. There will always be an identity blockage."

How do we begin to see ourselves as God sees us:

1) Take out a mirror, look at the image before you, begin to confess to yourself that you are created in the image of God.

2) Take sticky notes, or index cards and write out affirmations of what you want to see yourself become. Prov 18:21 says; you shall have what you say out of your mouth."

3) Start confessing to others, who you are! Call those things that be not as though they were already! Romans 4:17


Posted by: Freda Gates AT 07:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, April 10 2014
Engaging Women

Have you ever noticed a woman that seems to have the perfect conversation? The perfect speaking voice? Have you notice her being destinctive than any other woman in the room? Why is that? She has learned how to "Engage!"

What does it mean to Engage? Engaging: is to point after, to influence, to make a statement, to impact, to bring movement, or to activate stagnation." 

When certain women get together, they have attendency, to pull on other women in the room. They begin to feel a sense of importance. Have you ever felt this way after leaving a success meeting? Did you go in one way and felt transformed when you left out? if so, you have just been engaged to succeed in every area of your life!

How to prepare to be engaged by other successful women?

1) Release all doubt and negativity! Take at least 15 minutes to meditate before leaving home!

2) Bring a cheerful mood! Listen to: Pharrell Williams "Happy!"

3) Come rested and full! Get plenty of sleep the night before! Eat a good meal before you leave home!

4) Wear comfortable clothing! Anything too tight will just cause you to lose focus...

5) Take good notes! You can't retain everything you hear!

6) Bring enough money to buy great resources for your later listening!

Happy Engaging!

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 07:50 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, March 13 2014
How Successful are You?

Do you ever wonder are you living in success? Do you envy those that seem to have success everyday? Success just don't happen! It is an everyday process.... It is a process of conditions, strengths, and actions that empower your day to day success and resilience. Romans 12:1+2, Ephesians 3:20, Proverbs 3:5

Successful women have a tendency to face fear head on. They learn to navigate through their daily challenges, that bring daily victories! Their close relationships strengthen them, and not weaken them. They are women that set their deepest goal and dreams as a plan to win! They are women that flow in a strong sense of purpose, vision, and plans. They are women that are strong risk-takers.

There are rules to succeeding in your success:

1) Value fulfillment; more than reaching success!

2) Aim for excellence; and success will follow!

3) Making a strong impact; always go before success ever shows up!

4) Remain humble; even when success shows up!

Keep winning!

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 05:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, February 10 2014
Breaking Procrastination

Everyone has had to deal with the forbidden word "Procrastination!" As bad as we all would like to believe that at some point in our lives that it hasn't been a serious issue; we would be lying to ourselves." Procrastination is a dream killer." It takes away our time to function to the best ability that we can perform. By the time we decide to deal with the issue; most our lives are out of control." There are several ways to deal with procrastination. I would like to just mention (seven) to get you started, or perhaps out of the rut you are in....

1) As I have always stated, you must begin to write things down. Not only write it down, but in the order of most important!

2) Start an hour of work power! In this hour, you would take your top priorities, and maxamize those things within that hour.

3) Do not overlap your schedule. Keep important appointments, free from the less important ones.

4) Take energy breaks! Have a protein snack, drink a glass of water, have a piece of fruit, take a brisk walk, have a good stretch....

5) Put together a great filing system! Check out your local container store, or check out the internet for super ideas!

6) Keep your mail in a moving system. Keep unwanted mail shredded and tossed! Always, keep your desk free of clutter. It keeps your daily production level high!

7) Finally, always..... keep chatty people at a short conversation. Doing this will keep you on schedule.

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 02:19 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, February 06 2014
Moving Forward

What would our life be like if we had a sign that warned us that a "change" was ahead? Would we be careful enough to proceed with caution, or would we keep moving right along? The Holy Spirit inside of us warns us of dangers ahead, when we pray unto the Father. He warns us of positions not to take, career doors not to enter into. He even goes as far as choosing us a mate." So why is it so hard to follow the warning signs ahead?

1) We are so use to doing it alone! We can be so programmed to the way we have always done things, that when the Holyspirit speaks to us concerning the change ahead, we ignore Him, because we are not use to His voice speaking so clearly to us." 

2) We have made so many mistakes along the way. Sometimes when we keep failing at something, we become prone to failure." I once heard a powerful quote by, Joyce Meyer, she said; Fail, until you succeed! Now that sounds a little wierd doesn't it? That someone would actually tell us, to fail, until we succeed! But, you are looking at a great model when you look at Joyce Meyer! If you have heard her tesimony, you would know that she had a lot of failures in her lifetime! But, God allowed her to come through as a winner!

3) The road is familiar to us. When we are use to taking a certain path, it becomes easy and common to us." We can drive with our eyes closed. It has become that habitual to us. When this happens, we begin to get settled into doing things our own way."

What changes need to be made, that will cause us to see more clearly the way that we should go?

1) Follow God's leading. The voice of the Holy Spirit becomes clearer to us when we begin to meditate more and more. We begin to hear His direction, instead of our own leading."

2) Write the vision and make it plan! When you begin to write out your vision and goals, God will begin to bring clarity. He begins to add and subtract, what needs to be in your life, and what doesn't."

3) Learn to accept the peace of God in His directions. Sometimes when we begin to obey God, we start feeling a little nervous at first, this is the beginnig process of, Proverbs 3:5, We begin to lean not unto our own understanding, but we begin to acknowledge God in all our ways."

*Remember to follow the warning signs ahead, to make it safely to your destination!

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 09:06 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, January 25 2014
Are you feeling stuck?

Have you ever woke up feeling stuck, or incomplete? Have you ever felt as though you were out of time, or never have enough time to finish all the things you had on your to do list? Sadly, many women feel this way." As though there is never enough time to get everything done from day to day! I remember years of feeling frustrated with long, drawn out, unfinished schedules." I would wake up the next day trying to start where I left off! This pattern only left me feeling overwhelmed with my already FULL.... to do list!

When you stay in the STUCK mode of doing things, it is then, when it's time to get a system that will work for your everyday flow of life. Whether you are a homemaker, self-employed, or a career woman... you will need some type of system operating in your home and business life. Through the years, I have read so many books on scheduling, checklists, and to do list! But, some how, I failed at them all! I have come to realize that every system doesnt work for everyone. Once you find a good working system to keep your day moving and that brings productivity, you will begin to feel revived! The feeling of being in a stuck situation, will begin to leave and a peace of joy will follow! 

To have an unstuck lifestyle, You must begin to put first things first:

1) Ask God to help you order your day! Beginning the day with meditation is key to finishing the day strong!

2) Have a clean sheet of paper ready to write out your daily to do list. Do this the night before so you won't forget anything!

3) Write down the most important first, then finish with the less important. This takes away the frustration of disappointment.

4) Dress for the occassion! Plan the day before on what you will wear to meetings, school, gym, doctor appointments, etc...

5) Give yourself praise affirmations for your accomplishments! "Everything I do is productive, when I do it everyday!"

Posted by: Freda Gates AT 10:13 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 09 2013
Begin Again!
Have you ever had a big idea? Did you have the urge to tell someone everywhere you went? Did they have as much excitement as you? Probably not!"
When you are excited about a new project, most of the time the ones you are telling, is never as excited as you are." Does this mean you just stop right there; or do you keep the energy and excitement going forth? Most of the time, when there is not enough motivation our excitement slows down. This is when the fire that we had under our feet in the beginning gets deam and goes out." Normally, there is no one around, to help light our fire again, so the dream dies."
It is in that season that you know, it is time to begin again! Take that dream back out, get the match, and light your own fire, all back over again! I know... You are probably saying, how can I do that? Here are a few pointers to help you get started!
There are a few simple things you must do to get your dreams on fire again:
1) Remember what started the spark in you!
2) Get supportive help around you! Find you one or two great motivators and cheerleaders, that will hold you accountable!
3) Start making Affirmations! They are positive words spoken of unseen dreams! You must begin to say; to begin to see!
4) Find someone that has the same dream as you and ask them can you pay them to mentor you in that area.
Posted by: Freda Gates AT 08:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email


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